tekom - Gesellschaft für technische Kommunikation - Deutschland e.V.


Die Bibliothek enthält Aufzeichnungen unserer vergangenen Webinare, die Sie sich jederzeit ansehen können. Dies ist ein Service exklusiv für unsere Mitglieder. Bitte melden Sie sich bei 'meine tekom' an, um die Aufzeichnungen anzusehen.

    Tools and Technologies

    Tipps und Tricks mit Excel und Notepad++

    Gerhard Glatz

    Auch im Redaktionsalltag fallen immer wieder Aufgaben an, für die es keine Tool-Unterstützung von der Stange gibt.
    In diesem Webinar zeige ich, wie diese Aufgaben mit Windows-Bordmitteln, dem freien...


    Technical Writing ,Tools and Technologies

    La numérisation est synonyme de changement

    Isabelle Fleury

    Comment la Documentation Technique peut-elle exploiter et implémenter ce changement?

    L'omniprésence de la numérisation met l'accent sur la gestion de l'information, un sujet jusqu’ici propre à la...


    Tools and Technologies

    Making Your Chatbot Smart with Intelligent Content

    Alex Masycheff

    Chatbots are becoming an increasingly popular delivery channel for many types of content, including customer support, marketing, and pre-sales. To make the chatbot scalable, helpful, and smoothly...


    Technical Writing

    How to Get Started with Topic-Based Authoring

    Kai Weber

    Writing documentation in stand-alone modules makes sense - but is it right for you? And how do you get there? This webinar gives you a hand when you're wondering how to go "topic-based". There'll be a...


    Technical Writing

    Eight Important Ways to Change/Improve Your Writing

    Paula Stern

    As users become more inclined to get their information from video than words, how and what we write becomes even more critical. More, as master craftsmen (and women) of language, we should be the ones...


    Ask the Expert

    Ask the Expert on IEC/IEEE 82079-1

    Dr. Claudia Klumpp

    IEC 82079-1 is the most important standard for the preparation of all types of usage information – from a tin of paint to very complex products such as large-scale industrial machinery. The revised...


    Software Documentation

    How Agile Takes the "Technical" Out of Technical Communication

    software documentation
    Kai Weber

    This webinar takes a fresh look at the user documentation in agile software development. Not so much the theory, but the messy realities and how to survive them, sprint by sprint. After working with...



    Collaborative Terminology Work

    Cordula Schubert-Berker

    Terminology has been an intensely discussed topic in the industry of technical communication. In summer 2015, a tekom working group was initiated, recruiting volunteers with diverse backgrounds to...


    Soft Skills

    English for Non-Native Writers: Working with the tekom Guide for Rule-Based Writing

    Kristina Johnson Coenen

    This webinar is focused on the tekom published guides for “Rule-Based Writing – English for Non-Native Writers”. What are the advantages to working with rule-based writing? How can you select rules...


    Standards and Legislation

    Standards for Software Documentation

    Prof. Sissi Closs

    ISO/IEC has published a set of standards (ISO/IEC 26511-26515) for software documentation. Each standard addresses specific target groups with their roles and tasks in the information development...
